Daiwa J-13P

I present you the Daiwa J-13P vintage fishing reel, from one of my fishing reel collection. This one was a challenge as the modelling was done completely from direct observation and only a metal ruler for measurement. The whole reel was unscrewed to know how it function. The texturing was done in Substance Painter, stickers and alphas in affinity and the rest in blender. Rendering with cycles 1000 samples using an HDRI and sun light. The glow was added using the glare filter in the compositor.

More on https://www.artstation.com/artwork/n0vGN4


I really like the first one, but they are all good.

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Thank you @Notarobot :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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I love your attention to detail and that you measured everything. That looks fantastic!

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@Tony_E Thank you. Really appreciate.
And yes the measuring was a headache but learned a lot. A good way to challenge myself and improve the modeling skill.

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Looks great! I wonder how many lunkers this bad boy caught?

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Thank you.
Hahaa yes that’s a good question. I think this bad boy got a lot of fish in his portfolio. :smiley:

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No doubt! :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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