
It was amazing to work on this project with amazing team and finaly see it in the cinema. Animation is based on Ukrainian mythology.
For the DakhaBrakha characters I was responsible only for Modeling and Sculpting( done in Blender).

Check my artstation for more - https://www.artstation.com/regis3d


The characters look great as does all the other elements of the film.
I hope there’s a chance for a viewing in the US.


For now only this countrys have date list,
The release dates for the following countries (which also acquired the rights to the animated feature) will be announced soon: USA, countries of Latin America, South Korea, Israel, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Luxembourg and others.
I do not know when. Any way I think maybe after cinema it should be somwhere online. (maybe by the end of this year, I am not sure.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Love every bit of it!

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This is beautiful! Congrats!

Absolutely spectacular. Love it!