Dala Horse: a Swedish trip

Inspired by my last trip to Sweden, I decided to create a flash work to pay homage to a place that had a profound impact on me.

Dala Horse is a traditional wooden horse from Dalarna, Sweden. Every house has its own, and now me too.

Hope you’ll like it!

If you like my works come take a look at my PORTFOLIO



incredible! :heart_eyes:

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Wonderful detail in the renders. :ok_hand:

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It´s a nice render and seems accurate as I recall them.

Though I don´t think I have one anywhere in my home :slight_smile:
When My parents was alive, we had one or two I think, need to check with my sister when I visit her.

Greetings from Sweden

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Tack så mycket!! Greetings from Italy!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you so much!!!

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beautiful dalahäst!

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Thank you!!!

Thank you!! :pray:t2: