Dango - #3 Food - 10 Cubes Challenge 2022

Making a Japanese Dango Dish with 10 cubes and a bit texturing trick. I’ll try to minimize the color in another day. This is first time I join this, please notice me if I violate any rule :blush:

It looks like Grilled Skewered Meats without color :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thank you for watching!


Welcome to blenderartists! :confetti_ball:

Hey, that looks great. I love the leaky inkpen look! Was that done with the lineart modifier?

I haven’t had dango before, but it looks delicious!

Don’t stress too much about the rules. The rules serve as guidelines for participating in the challenge, but to quote @SterlingRoth:

the rules are made to be bent

After all, the goal is to have fun and to improve as an artist.


Thank you for the comment!

Yes, It’s lineart modifier with a bit of noise. It’s quite pixelate (alias) in the viewport so I have to bring the thickness up, and luckily fix it

I appreciate bending the rule but also want to make the rule a bit clearer so I can have a bigger challenge (and solve it😃)

Anyway, Nice to meet you! Have a great day!

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