I was inspired by some of the beautiful environments in Daredevil and decided to have a go at recreating Matt’s apartment.
I think it’s a cool effect but I’m worried the windows are a bit too much.
Let me know what you think
I was inspired by some of the beautiful environments in Daredevil and decided to have a go at recreating Matt’s apartment.
I think it’s a cool effect but I’m worried the windows are a bit too much.
Let me know what you think
The windows are a bit off, since now they look like someone has thrown a lot of mud on them. In “reality” they look like they are dusty.
Looking good! I agree, the dirt on the windows is maybe a little to much. Also, might be cool to remember why Matt gets the rent so cheap, and try to recreate that with the lighting.
Thanks for the feedback.
Changed the windows to be more realistic.
Also messing around with colour management and colour correction as it’s something I don’t have much experience with. Not sure I have the hang of it but I’ll post it anyway.
Maybe some of you can give me some tips.
I’d work on the rug, try and make it look less like a plane and more like the rug in the show. Other than that, I’d let some more light into the scene, I think that OEre0ur.jpg looks much better than the previous iterations. Other thing is the color of the windows. As you can see here:
The window planes have different colors, making the scene more interesting.
One other thing that I also noticed - is it a glitch, or do you have a hole in the drapes next to the rightmost window?
Anyways, pretty cool stuff, I really loved the set design in his place. And the show has some pretty sweed no-cut action scenes!