Dark side of Earth

This is my first time posting on any form of forum :stuck_out_tongue:

I rendered the Earth were you see the darker side of it, with the lights from the cities. I followed the tutorial on Blenderguru.

I made 2 versions with different space bacgrounds.

Tell me what you think, any feedback is welcome :slight_smile:


I think it looks dope and I didn’t know blender guru did a tutorial on this id love to see if you could link it to me. I’m curious though are those just background or are they HDR’s?

I think That For the cartoonish feel that you are trying to get, The atmosphere is a bit on the dull side.
I did a few renders, See these and try and look at the atmosphere:

Those are just images.

Those are good atmospheric images of the earth. Does anyone have animated images of something like this? Or can I use this images for my presentation. I am giving a presentation on the topic related to an Open Source documentary project. I’ll post more details to blenderartists.org forum soon.

Just want to make sure I can use these images.
