DarkHouse Softworks: Flux

DARKHOUSE SOFTWORKS recruiting Scripters, Artists, and Writers

Posted: 09:39 PM 1 Week AgoStatement and Intro

DarkHouse Softworks was founded in the year 2010 by Grey Walker, a youthful and charismatic 3D Designer, and art fanatic. Now with a strong-living team of 13 people (and growing), DarkHouse has ever since been fixed on the science fiction genre, and creating uniqe designs and ideas for their masthead project, Flux. Flux is a singleplayer Role-playing action simulator, that places the player in the boots of an enormous dark future full of new experiences, new faces, and dangers around every corner.

Our goals

As game designers, and innovators, we strive to have the best, top-shelf software to work with. But, of course professional software costs money. A huge goal for DHS is too invest enough money to purchase a Unity 3D pro license, so that the engine Flux is designed in will be nothing less than magnificent. [ACHIEVED]
Other goals include establishing a name for ourselves in the indie game design realm, as well as unite many of the undiscovered talents out there through innovative game design. Community is very important to us.
Where we are
Darkhouse Softworks is an international team. We work everywhere from Oklahoma, to Norway! We pride ourselves in being internationally known, and we plan to keep it that way.


So far, DHS has compiled an archive of over a hundred models, designs, animations, graphics, sounds, and miscellaneous assets for their project, Flux. Some of our exclusive content is featured on our YouTube channel and our FaceBook pages.

DHS is:

Grey Walker - Art Director / Lead Modeller
Peter Thowssen - Sound Art / Management
Mark Gillespie - Artistic Design
Kimmi - 3D Artist
Xenox - Game Art
Tyler Johnson - Game Art
Kristoffer Berezowski - Story Design
Brandon lent - Scripter
Justin R - Set design

We are utilizing the Unity 3D engine, and are coding in Java and C#.

Positions needed:

Unity-Java Scripters (not immediately applicable)
GUI Artist / Coders (not immediately applicable)
Level designers
Story Designers
Web Designers
Sponsors (investors in affiliation for profit)
Character modellers (high demand)

Please go to our official Website to apply: Http://www.DarkHouseSoftworks.com