Darksiders: Scythe of Death

This is a lowpoly model of one of the many scythe weapons wielded by the Horseman Death in the second Darksiders game.

p3d.in View: http://p3d.in/jHBHy

Verold View: http://studio.verold.com/projects/527cb8ee3f4bcf0200000119

Blendswap Page: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/70928

Timelapse Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkOunvHeP6c

DeviantArt Page: http://mmrashad.deviantart.com/art/Darksiders-Scythe-of-Death-412435472?ga_submit_new=10%3A1383975020

How in the hell do you guys get anything to look that good in Sketchfab or any of those online 3d things?

Lots, and lots of practice uploading various objects with various settings and files, in the end comparing the result and making an ultimate upload scheme for future use :smiley: