darth maul

hi all

just love this guy.

started on the sculpt yesterday and would like some comments please. would like to see if there are things you guys pick up before i start with some colour. still need to put some wrinkles and pores on the sculpt. ref image posted.

also does anyone know of any way to move the cloth around and tweak it a bit?




Hi Shaun, this looks like a solid start of the project!

The facial tattoos of the Sith makes it difficult to say something about the likeness. Especially the upper lip and the nostrils are difficult because they are so dark in the reference. It could be that the nostrils of your sculpt are a bit too wide compared to the reference. But again, the tattoos make it difficult.

What I would change is the stiffness of the cloth. Now it has a kind of “curly” appearance. But the edges should be more straight. I mean the whole guy is straight, and his clothes should reflect that.

Other than that the sculpt looks really nice.

Hi minoribus

Thanks, also used attached as a ref, but most images on the web seem to be dark, obviously because of the black tattoo.

Will stiffen then cloth up, is there any way that you know of to manipulate the cloth once it is in position?


If you don’t want to tweak the cloth modifier until it’s OK the other way could be to apply the modifier (perhaps as shape if you want to keep the original mesh data) and then to do some vertex pushing with proportional editing, or some sculpting on top of the applied modifier.

Hi All

@minoribus, have played a bit with the modifier and i think i can get it right that way, maybe to use pinning.

updated picture, struggling to get main colour right, used colours from image in PS so they are correct. i think it is the lighting setup i have used, the plane on the left needs to go higher up and shine down more and the plane on the right needs to move more to the right. gloss is also a bit too much. will darken the colour if this does not work.

the black is also going to be a bit tricky as it seems to let the red shine through in some places. SUGGESTIONS appreciated.

other than than i am happy with progress.


Hey Shaun, it looks pretty cool already, but I think you should work more on the likeness of the character first, why don’t you take a look at images of Ray Park, the actor that played DarthMaul? I mean, without all the makeup hehe.

I think that once you hit the likeness right, the colors and textures of the face will look much better too. :slight_smile:

HI all

@julperado. thanks for looking and taking the time to post. will have a look at some pics, where do you feel the issues are?

last post for the day, seem to have got the colour of the skin a lot closer and have started working on the eyes, need some red on the edges, this guy looks like he has not slept for a month.


hi all

worked on the colour some more still cannot seem to get it 100% even though i am using 5 samples in PS, but it seems to be getting better.

worked on the eyes, maybe still need some more red in there, gave the hood a material.

will start on the black part of the tattoo and the cloak to cover the shoulders.


i think there is too much yellow in the eyes, needs abit more red

I really like the texture of the cape and the shape is very good now. For the realistic look you could consider to give it a seam along the top like in your reference photo.

You mentioned that the red skin color isn’t correct because of the lighting. When I compare the skin tones of your reference and your last render in Gimp they are really close together.

One thing, which is important for portraits, is the focal length of the camera. A good focal length, which gives almost no distortions, is 80mm. To me it looks like you’re using a wider angle like 35 mm, because the face appears to have quite wide cheek bones compared to your reference. But maybe I’m wrong with this assumption.

Will stiffen then cloth up, is there any way that you know of to manipulate the cloth once it is in position?

the last one is starting to look really good.

Have you thought about using the lattice modifier and a lattice to control the cloth once it’s in position, that’s worked well for me on similar things.

i could probably do a quick tutorial later if you want.

@minoribus, thanks will still do the seams in the cape. maybe the colour on my monitor is off and needs to be calibrated, as i said i took 5 samples a number of times in PS and they still do not look correct on my screen. thanks for taking the time to check for me, i will leave colour as is if you feel it is that close. will set the camera to 80-85, i did have it on 35mm.

@forferdeilig, thank you. never even tried it, a tutorial will be great and much appreciated. i need as much help as i can with blender, when i am busy with a project it takes three times as long as it should, spending half the day searching YT and the other half the day trying to implement what is being taught. still really new at this.



Hi all

small update, made the undergarment/vest, still need to make some some of cloak that goes over that, i originally thought it was one garment.

@minoribus. have taken the camera to 85mm.


I will be watching this one for sure! Face looks a little glossy, but i think you have something good going on. The texturing for the Tats look like it might be tough

looks great!

@Netcommercial, thanks really appreciate it.

nearly finished with the clothes, had a really hard time with them, (limited blender skills) there are some textures that have stretched and i cannot seem to fix it.

started painting the black part of the tattoo and will post as soon as complete.


Hi all

@Naison, sorry only saw your post now, must be that your post was being moderated as it appeared in the middle of other posts that i saw, thank very much. the tattoos are indeed giving me grief, especially as i am painting with a mouse and it is taking for ever. :frowning:

i have attached a pic of progress, please let me know what you guys see that might be out of place so far, the biggest issue i have with the tattoos is that i cannot see everything from one angle and when you look at other ref images they are all slightly different as they were obviously taken at different times with different make up applied.


looking very good so far! keep going. I can’t wait to see it done. :slight_smile:

Hi All

@Guss, thank you. Had a look at your blog, some very impressive work done there and congrats for your participation in the movie. :cool:

Got my tattoo paint virtually done.


I love this so far! Just I think that the tattoo is too gray, since its practically pure black on the reference. If you’re trying to 100% do the reference over again, I think your model should be more “sweaty” and oily. (like in post #5)