Does anyone know how to make or have a tutorial on creating a decal with displace, from one or a mix of procedural maps, in geometry nodes?
Does anyone know how to make or have a tutorial on creating a decal with displace, from one or a mix of procedural maps, in geometry nodes?
Is there at least a tutorial to do this?
It is a question of mapping the displacement, position is like object cords in shader nodes.
You could do exactly the same thing in shader nodes with object cords (instead of the position node).
Thank you very much for your help
The result was very good
I just have one more question:
Is it possible to locate the dent with an empty?
Thanks again
Ok just one!
Use an object info node with the empty and plug it into the subtract node (that gave the position)
I also changed some of the math nodes to vector math so the displacement is more 3d ish. (that will depend on what you want)
Iâm trying here without success.
How can I have a smoother and oval dent with procedural gradient maps in the positions of the image below?
ÂżYou realize that this is a totally different question?
For this I would use a displacement that displaces the surface along its normalâs.
If you want you can control each dent with a different empty.
The file
Dents.blend (133.8 KB)
Iâm late to the party, but you can also find tutorials on the BlenderNation Bazaar. Hereâs a search for âdisplacementâ. Perhaps itâll help!
Thank you very much for your help
but Iâm not expressing myself well.
I wanted a dent more like this image.
but made with oval and round gradients on only one part of the object.
There are many possibilities, you could for example use the empty setup to control the noise spread multiplying the noise value.
You really need to think a bit
If you just copy answers without understanding what the nodes are doing you will go around in circles!
You have to analyze the nodes and understand them.
Iâm studying Geometry nodes at a while
But I canât do everything I want
I for example I put a blur on the gradient of its tree to hide the edges smoking them.
When it arrives in the nodes of: multiply, subtract, etc.
I donât really understand very well.
Do you know tutorial?
Excellent solution posted above.
The nodes multiply and subtract do exactly what they say multiply and subtract values.
The important thing is where and why they are there, depending on where they are and what is plugged into the the result does different things.
For example here the first subtract is a bit like the midlevel in shader displacement although the values are different.
If set to 0 the displacement is always inwards. (it leaves the noise values 0 to 1)
If set to 0.5 the dispacement goes in and out. (sets the values to -0.5 to 0-5)
If set to 1 it only goes out. (sets the values 0 to -1)
You can use âIn-betweenâ values if you want.
The multiply after that subtract node is to control the strength of the displacement.
The frame with the empty is creating an oval gradient.
By multiplying it with the result of the result of the noise nodes the black parts (values of 0 or less) will mask the outside of the spherical gradient.
In the frame:
The first vector math node in the frame subtracts the location (position) of the empty from the position of the object. This gives you the position of the empty relative to the objects local position and lets you map the spherical gradient from the empties position.
The next vector multiply node scales the mapping on the x, y and z axis so that you can turn the gradient into an oval instead of a sphere. The scale is like the scale of the texture mapping node in the shader editor a value over 1 will make the gradient smaller and a value from 0-1 will make it larger.
The next multiply node (after the gradient) gives you control of the strength of the ovalâs dip.