It took some time to complete, but here is a scene showing the Bell XV15 research tilt-rotor craft being tested on an aircraft carrier at sea. I was inspired by the real-life tests that took place during this research program in 1983 on board the USS Tripoli. Having completed the model itself, I was looking for inspiration for incorporating it into an interesting scene that would show off the model and exercise my artistic skills as well.
Looks quite nice ! The aberration and heat blur make it realistic. What gives it away is the texture on the flight deck. You could try to break it up more and add irregularity.
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Absolutely agree on the deck texture! I could have disrupted the tiling to make it look more realistic now that you mention it.
Yeah that is always a problem. I struggle to find a good solution for that at the moment. I play with erin dales basher node. That is quite nice.
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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
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