Decoy (monkey doll)

So I have a monkey that is real and I’m going to model it. I wanted to see if I could get the texture right. I will upload the real monkey pictures later. Here are my texture tests on Suzanne. I’ve not done much UV unwrapping on organic models so its a little ropey, as is the stitching. I’ll hopefully improve after I have finished modelling the monkey.

scale your UV islands so they are more uniform, then use clone paint to go over the seams. it looks like there might be something weird going on with your seam edges too. could you post a screenshot of your UVs? also you will get a better idea what is going on if you use a test grid instead of the carbon fiber texture.

Hey thanks for getting back. I’m not sure what clone paint is so I’m going to look into it now. Here is my UV map

these islands which I have marked in red are likely the problem causing the weird seams. I am not sure what faces they belong to, so it’s still hard to say what is going on. but you should try re unwrapping with different seams. clone painting relates to texture painting, so just google for blender texture painting for some tutorials ond documentation.

Thanks for the help. You are right with those seems. I tried to sort it but was only making the problem worse. I think I need either a new brain or more time. I’ll look into it. If I can get the Suzanne unwrapped well it’ll help with my understanding when I come to the monkey I’m attempting.

don’t worry too much about placing your seams in an inconspicuous place. it’s better to just get a nice even unwrap, and then hide the seams using texture painting.