Deer and Brutalism

Wanted to create a bit post-apocalyptic, overgrown environment. Lacking of architecture, i made the building myself; my first building.
so i dug out RandomFlow and HOps; and went for a bit brutalist-look.I have no background in architecture what so ever ( i am gardener)
Ended up over-motivated with 4! different motives on the building; which i later-on managed to mostly cover with a combination of Baga’s and Barella’s Ivy.

Made a quick and easy geonodes set-up for drawing the steel-beam with curves, to utilize them as guiding lines:
Rust and concrete are made procedural;
Added and aged the tram-cars; debris and rubble

Vegetation is distributed with Scatter5 and consists of Graswald Vol.2 ; the Scatter5 Default-library and small ferns i made.
…Blackberry would probably survive anything, and i often see them on rubble-sites, so that’s a good fit.

Post was made with blenders compositor; discovering blender’s mask-features and scopes was a big welcome help;
That’s the render without post:



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thanks a lot!

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