Default Vertical Angle of Camera

I am trying to gather FOV and aspect ratio values for use in DirectX. I have what I need for the aspect ratios, but seem to be having problems trying to get the vertical “field of view” angle. If you go into Object mode, select the camera and then bring up the properties (View|View Properties), you will notice the value 35.00. The help text that comes up when you hover the mouse over this field is as follows:

“The lens angle in perspective view.”

Assume that you have the camera sitting centered on the -y axis (in Blender) with an up vector of ( 0, 0, 1 ) [ top of camera points up the z axis ] and a direction of ( 0, 1, 0 ) [ pointing down the positive y axis ]. I am looking for the vertical angle created by the top and bottom of the camera when it is in this position (the vertical angle of the viewing frustrum).

Is this the 35.00 degrees that is displayed in the camera properties?