Definition of being rich

What is your definition of being rich? I thought about it for a moment and came up with this for now.

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Rich in creative acumen maybe.

As for the monetary variant, watch for changes in definitions of words like ‘affluent’ and ‘wealthy’ when world governments get ready to move everyone into high-rise stack-n-pack, (which are run by the state and serviced exclusively by public transit. This would be in line with the vision of the World Economic Forum where you will own nothing, but yet you are overflowing with happiness.

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Remaining cognitively intact


That’s an interesting project. I checked their mission where I read:

The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance.


We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

“Using creativity and sharing the solution with others”, could not only be applied by individuals but also governments, learning institutions, companies. In that sense, I believe the quote could be in line with the mission of the World Economic Forum.

So far creativity is not always appreciated;
a) learning institutions are there to train people to be workforces.
b) Schools don’t teach you how to be an entrepreneur and a good communicator. For example, my 14-year-old daughter didn’t learn anything in school, related to how to make a living with her own ideas.
c) Companies don’t really appreciate employees who have loads of ideas and think out of the box.

Then I thought about being rich, in the sense of having a lot of money and if that makes people happy. I know for example someone who is focused on getting rich, never has time, barely communicates with family members, doesn’t have time to really listen to what others are saying, has quite some stress, doesn’t sleep well, etc. This person is focused on money like this for years. Another example is some rich celebrities getting in trouble mentally.

So I decided to look at being rich as: money can be included in the definition but not necessarily. Or rich as in no matter if money is involved or not.

I cannot place the high-rise stack-n-pack though; could that be one of the many proposed ideas for a not so near future?

Eh, that’s a good one.
In other words:
Are we still rich when we are rich (money) but not aware (cognitively not intact) of it?