Delete account request

Is there a way to delete my account or do I have to ask an admin? I don’t see a way to do this in the settings. Decided I don’t have much use for the account on these forums and I really don’t like to leave unused accounts lingering.

Hello, you can’t delete your account but you can ask @bartv or @joseph to anonimize your account, that’s what generally append when someone wants to leave.
Their contribution stay there but they aren’t associated with their user name.

As very well said:

In our process, we don’t delete accounts as that would break existing conversations. We can however, anonymize it for you—this keeps all the posts on the site, but changes the username and email, and resets all profile information. If that’s what you’d like to do, please confirm by replying.

Hello, go ahead anonymize it. Thank you.

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