delete mesage in forun

how can you select many forum messages and then delete them?

i can only delete one message at a time

there must be a faster way to do this ?


No idea really, might just have to actually take time and do it manually.

And shouldn’t this be in the Website and Forum Support forum and not the basics and interface???

well it is basic but i never had to use it before

but in any case i fond it

on the rigth of each message there is little box that you can set

so you do that for all the messages you want to get rid and then go at the bottom of the page where you find a menu where you select delete and then go
this will erase all the mark up messages


Only Moderators and Administrators can delete posts/threads. Besides, why would you want to delete a post; someone might find it useful.

He wanted to know about Private Messages… Took me a while to figure that out.

And this is the Basics and “Interface” Forum, meaning basics about Blender. Next time post it in the Website and Forum support forum. That is where the right people will look at it.