Delete parts of the curve without auto-connecting points?


I struggle with deleting certain points on a curve, where if I do that the current way, the spline that runs along the curve will reconnect with nearest points.

Now, if I was to only delete the final mesh, it can create undesired artefacts, cutting up uneven faces and so on.

I also don’t want to simply create interrupted curve through edit mode, as this would limit my other profiles that should run alongside the same curve. That’s why I want to limit only selected profiles inside the same geometry setup.

Would anyone have an idea how to make this work, so that gap would be done the right way? For example, I’d love to do nicely those disconnected part of the curve with proper UVs or even just an instanced objects on endpoints, to make the transition nice and smooth. Imagine live fence at a garden, where it’s disconnected for the pedestrian gate.

Below is simplified an example of what I’m looking for.

cut_curve.blend (1.4 MB)

I think that’s a missing feature, there should be something like a “segment” domain in the delete for curves, mimicking the edit mode option to delete a segment. A workaround is using trim nodes. Here’s a simple setup to break a curve in two parts leaving a gap between:

And if you need the gap to correspond to a curve segment you can do something like this:

Edit: Here the “gap start point” value sets the index of the point to break the curve at.

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Thank you! Although this works, it’s a bit awkward to work with.

For the time being, I converted the curve to the mesh, deleted edges with Raycast and nearby cube and converted back to curve, running it with the rest of the original geometry setup.

My only issue now is to somehow fill in those gaps in profile curves and set up proper UVs for them.