Delete Textures?

I know this is a real nooby question but i cant figure it out. How do I delete textures and materials from an object? I accidentally added some extra materials and texture to a head that i was attempting to texture and cant figure out how to remove them :spin:.

In the material datablock and texture datablock lists (the drop-down that show the texture or material name) there is a little X, click it. This will remove the material or textures association to your object. The materials and Textures will not actual be deleted until you save and close your Blend. At close time, any unassigned materials get deleted (AFAIK).

Thanks for the help. I knew it was an easy fix.


OK how about this?

I deleted everything from my scene and there is still a texture left!
Actually it only seems to be the name of the texture with a thumbnail.



redWontGo.blend (132 KB)

Blender’s material system is really aggravating me. Blender says there are two users for my material, and thus it won’t delete them, but I don’t know which two users. How do I figure out all the users of a material?

How do I figure out all the users of a material?

One way: Open an Outliner window. Use the View menu to switch to OOPs schematic view. You will see graphically which objects are linked to your material. You can also select the material block in question, then Shift-L to select all its users.

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I tried the suggestions listed above. I still see 3 images that just won’t disappear. They’re not connected to anything, in OOPS. They’re not in the Outliner at all.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to remove these images?

I found one workaround: import objects, cameras, etc. into another .blend file, and abandon the original .blend file…

I posted a tutorial on this about a week ago, but it hasn’t appeared yet - guess it takes some time to review. Had screen shots and everything… Oh, well…

Anyway, here are the basic steps:

First, delete any connections that you can find:

  • Go to the Outliner window
  • Go to the OOPS schematic (View -> Show Oops)
  • Push ALL of the visibility buttons to show EVERYTHING
  • See if there are any materials or textures that are linked to it.
  • If so, go to the material or texture and hit the little “X” to remove the link.
  • Save the .blend file, close and re-open.

Image still there?..

Unpack the image.

  • Go to the UV/Image Editor window
  • Select the image from the drop window (You have to be in object mode).
  • There’s a little button that looks like a gift-wrapped box - if it’s depressed, the image is packed. Click on the gift-box button and
  • select “Remove Pack”.
  • Save the .blend file, close and re-open.

Image still there?..

Use Grim’s Communist State Secret for Removal of Unflushable Images…

  • Shift-F4.
  • Hit the “…” as often as necessary to go all the way to the top of the database
  • Click on “Image”. Your image should be listed. There’s also a number next to it which should be “1”.

Okay, a little explanation. That number is the number of users. Somehow the database is confused and thinks there is still a user attached to the image. The purpose of this window is to put a “Fake” user for an image or object, so that it won’t get flushed when you close the file - that’s working on the assumption that an image or object has no users.

Yeah, yeah, get to the point…

Okay, we’re going to put a “Fake” user on this image datablock. “But wait, now it will have TWO users,” I hear you say. “That’ll just make it worse!”

Trust me…

  • Select the image you want to “flush”
  • Hit the F-key. An “F” (for “Fake user”) should appear next to the image name and the user count should go up to “2” - the “mystery user” and the “Fake user”
  • Save your .blend file. Close and re-open.
  • Hit the Shift-F4 keys. Your image datablock should have just one user, and that should be the “Fake” user (it should still have an “F” next to the image name).
  • Select the image datablock.
  • Hit the F-key to remove the “Fake” user. The user count should be “0” (zero) now.
  • Save the .blend file. Close and re-open.

You can thank me by going to my webcomic and voting for me.


There is a quicker and easier way to fix this:
Append the scene into a blank file.

For those who don’t know how to do this:
Erase All? OK
File>Append or Link.
Select the file with the unwanted images.
Click “Scene” to open its folder.
Select “Scene” and click “Load Library”.
At the top of the interface click the X next to “SCE:Scene”.
Delete Current Scene.
Now you’ll have Scene.001 which is your original scene
that should be clean of the image references.

grim, have you tried your method on pianonik’s file?
I couldn’t remove the image reference from that file with your method.
Unfortunately, I don’t think your method works if there
aren’t any objects in the scene.

I actually submitted three methods - One was fairly obvious, another is “in the documentation” but not quite so obvious and the third one was a bug work-around.

And yes, you’re absolutely right. I can’t remove it using my (third) method. I even added an object, assigned it a texture and UV’d it, just so I could delete the link.

I’d been looking for a solution to this for ages - the only one I could find was to “X” the UV texture on the mesh panel - which meant I had to re-UV anything else I had done…

Now, I’m not trying to split hairs here, but if there are no objects in the .blend file… Oh, well, never mind.

We now have two methods - that’s good.


Hey Grims that works great!. Geez damn images!.

Im new to Blender but I’ve had experience with Maya before. Now, I know in maya it is exceptionally easy to remove multiple shaders at the same time or add a shader to multiple objects at once, the result simply being objects without a shader attached / multiple objects with same shader. Is there ANY way I can do the same in Blender? I really dont want to sit and go through each and every object and remove / add the shader as the scene im working with has far to many different shaders.

Oh and I’m using Version 2.49b

Maybe the image is attached to some mesh faces.
It’s realy hard to find which face it use.
Blender is very bed at this point.
You can find some script to do delete the images attached to mesh face.

Was searching for a way to delete textures/bump maps. Creating the fake user trick worked for me, but what a pain in the but it is to delete anything in blender. I don’t mean just textures, but actions as well. I wonder if some of these delete issues will be fixed in 2.5/2.6???


Just to complicate things a bit – there are other data blocks besides Materials that can have Fake Users, the Mesh data block being one. Now if a Material is assigned to a Mesh with a Fake user, that Material will persist even after all objects are deleted from a file, because it’s still associated with the Mesh datablock as a user. You have to remove the Fake User tag from the Mesh datablock before the Material can be “flushed” from the file.

For others, I ran into this issue and cleaned the file down to zero, zip, zilch, nada items and still had unassociated texture datablocks persist. It DOES happen that datablocks just get “lost” and can’t be purged…in which case the only solution is to use a new blender file and import/append the scene from the “corrupted” file as mentioned above. If you do this and your datablocks/textures still persist in the new file, then in that case, you have a valid datablock link somewhere in your scene and you’re missing it and the “shift-F4” method and “ctrl-L” method mentioned above is the solution. Between these methods, I have yet to see a file that couldn’t be cleaned of unwanted image datablocks though it is a pain hunting them down many times…especially if the file is “corrupted” and you have to go through everything before you figure that out.

maybe they will fix this problem in the 2.5 series. seems like this question comes up a great deal.

Shift X forces delete on save and reload. Super easy (I tried it w/ your file.) An easy way to do this is in the list on th UCV editor page. I clean out my files all the time with that list and shift x. You can force deletion of anything that way. Remember, save and close then reopen the file.