Deleting Instances when Intersect (Geo Nodes simple)?

I need small spheres to be deleted if the large spheres intersect them.
Is it possible?

test_geo_nodes_intersect.blend (996.9 KB)

I went the rough way: Realize Instances and Raycast them on points.
Is there a way without Realize Instances?

test_geo_nodes_intersect_02.blend (1007.3 KB)

You can use a geometry proximity testing for the combined radii on the points pre-instancing:

Good luck


Nice tip if you don’t need to randomize large spheres scale.
Otherwise I think, no way without Realize Instances.

What I’m trying to achieve:

  1. Big spheres with random scale 1 to 0.5
  2. Small spheres with 0.4 to 0.2
  3. Tiny spheres with 0.15 to 0.05

that made me use Realize Instances two times
test_geo_nodes_intersect_03.blend (1.1 MB)

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i like your solution, but just a small improvement suggestion: with node groups, it looks like this:

…and i think it is easier to understand :wink: