DeLorean DMC-12

I hate John Delorean and his stupid car =P

This is the beginning of a DMC-12 I’m working on.

I was further along with it, in a version that used probably too much creasing so I rolled back a lot of work, cleaned up some vertexes and I’ll be using more near-end edgeloops to simulate crisp effects. I nixed all my subsurs for the screenshot so it looks very much like a toy right now. A toy without windshields.

One question at the moment:

Cars have gaps between body parts (hood and quarter panels, quarter panels and doors, etc etc)… What’s the best way to simulate that? As you can see in the passenger door, the parts of my car are actually seperate, so I just went with using gaps.

I’m aware the windshield frame and roof of the car don’t line up well right now, a momentary casualty of reworking how I crisp my edges.

I had a problem finding a diagram, or even pictures, of the top of the car. I’ve got a wonderful reference of the four sides of the car, though.

Lastly, I’ll be working out materials for the tires and body-metal eventually. I’ve never used, or spelled, Antisoptric so will be using that because it’s ideal for the natural finish of the car.

Here’s what I had, I’ll be putting the black trim back, of course.

Hey it looks good. I am also making one. It is an aircraft carrier.

Looks like a good start. Do you plan to make it like the delorean from “Back to the Future” ?
Anyways, regarding to gaps: give your panels some thickness either by extruding the outer edges a bit inwards or using a solidify modifier. At my model this looks like this:

And regarding to materials: to make the brushed look of the bodys metal here is a good intro to the anisotropic shading you mentioned:

I have some ideas, but I intend to just make the base car. Of course, BttF was my inspiration.

Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Worked on it some more. I think, once I fix the front clip’s size, and the front bumper~ area, I’ll put glass back in.

This shade of orange just happens to be my favorite color. It’s a pity that stock and BttF Deloreans are so plain jane.

Eventually I want to model an interior as well, and glass! So it doesn’t rain on the interior…lol.