Demo File: Taking 2D to the Third Dimension (A "3D Side-Scroller")

Hey all,

3DGURU asked several months ago (before taking his “break” from Blender) how to make a 2D side-scroller where characters followed a path around a 3D map. I thought up a solution back then, but I had never actually sat down to make it work. Well, here it is. It took a little something different than I thought it would, and there are a couple of simple scripts due to the dynamic parenting bug in 2.42. If you’re wondering, I set up the character path with a normal animation path (curves), then converted it to IPO with a script written by haramanai.

3D Side-Scroller (.blend file, 262kb)

Hopefully a tutorial will follow shortly for those who have trouble reading other people’s blends.

Ahhh, clever.

Thanks, this is sure to be usefull.

PS: I think they fixed the dynamic parenting bug in 2.43. Did you try using any of the RC builds yet?

Nice! At first I thought it was just a trick, like the platforms and camera were only moving, but it’s real. Good job.

Reminds me of Kirby 64.
Just curious: why does the empty follow the path in reverse? I can’t figure out why you didn’t just have it go forwards.

Yeah. No reason about that. Somehow I got the endpoints of the path flipped around and didn’t care to remake it, so I just fudged it in the script.

Hi , ha ha . i have finished my Blender break
now i have time asmuch as i want , MR.blendenzo thank you toooooooo much sharing this with us and thanks for who wrote the script .


This is really nice…only comment I have is that at the beginning if you press the left arrow key the game stops. Looks straight forward enough to set-up, but I am sure a tutorial would be much appreciated all the same.

Very, very useful script. Thanks!

but I am sure a tutorial would be much appreciated all the sam

yup , a tut …

I using some system in my 2.5 D game.

Woahh blendenzo,
how nice this is!!
Now I can make a clone of Pandemonium :slight_smile:
Thank you

bUMP …
the thread must live more

who didn’t revive it ? lol … maybe someone will benfit from it … :slight_smile:

Camera setup is very choppy for me.
Other than that it seems very nice :smiley:

Awesome file, shameless bump for great justice I can surely use this sometime :yes:

The thread lives again!!!

Haha, that is soooo addicting!! i couldnt stop jumping back and forth between the first three boxes. =D great script…

Nice. Thanks Blendenzo. Will have to spend some time to work out how to make the cube orient itself correctly.


Nice! this is basically like Kirby for the 64

Firstly, thanks for sharing this, it’s very usefull :smiley:

Made a little modification to Blendenzo’s, in this one the cube isn’t rigid body anymore and copies the orientetion of the empty, this way it looks like it’s actually folowing the path. Hope it helps someone :smiley:

But there’s a glitch, do’t know what is it, haven’t studied the file long enough.

Cloud_GL , nice fix man :slight_smile: , but you know , it flikers at the corner , can this be solved ? :slight_smile:
~ suggestion , decrease the pulse rate , so it detects the orientation lesser times per second , and this might be eliminated . :slight_smile:
and i wonder if this feature can be added , lets say that we have a character , now , when the character is heading the left way , then the character looks the left way , not the same old right way .
am i clear or not ?
