I love the idea of a 21st century president who wishes the confederacy won the war!!!
Gringrich never ‘wished’ any such thing.
Just make it up as you go along, eh?:rolleyes:
I love the idea of a 21st century president who wishes the confederacy won the war!!!
Gringrich never ‘wished’ any such thing.
Just make it up as you go along, eh?:rolleyes:
I’m thinking we should all vote for the guy who’ll bring world peace, put an end to hunger, and make us all filthy stinking rich in the process.:evilgrin:
And that’s the problem. We all want someone with Hollywood super qualities. We got what we wanted in Bush and Cheney, who, most likely, grew up seeing lots of John Wayne movies and World War clips showing Americans in foreign countries being welcomed with hugs flowers.
Something’s not right in that image… :evilgrin:
We all want someone with Hollywood super qualities.
Well, actually, I’d settle for another “Truman”-type, honest, straightforward, pragmatic. I respect Truman for the hard decisions he had to make during his Presidency. I can’t begin to wonder how he must have wrestled with the decision to drop the first Atomic bombs and thus end the war with Japan. He dealt with the Korean War and the Soviet blockage of East Germany as well…
A bit of info on Harry S. Truman: http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ht33.html
It said in the article that he was a history professor, and he wrote a fiction book about the confederacy winning the battle of Gettysburg.
I don’t think it entirely unreasonable to assume that somewhere deep inside his psyche he does want that.
I know people who want the confederate philosophy to live-on. Hell, I even saw a massive confederate flag in a construction truck here in Regional Australia!
Apologies if I have hurt your republican or similar sympathies…
oooo: SPel-Chek is Bac!
I don’t know what article your referring too. Regardless, following your logic, Stephen King is really a serial murder because he writes horror stories. Perhaps being a Doctor of History and a fiction writer, Gingrich has a creative desire to put the two together. It’s a huge genre called Alternative History of which there are dozens of successful writers. Besides, I doubt you’ve read his books.
I have no sympathies other than I despise people who just make shit up. I don’t know what Newt thinks in his brain anymore than you do, so stop guessing and slandering is my point. There’s too much of that going on already.
Edit: Oh, that article. Doh. Anyway, the Republicans freed the slaves, not the Democrats. The Democratic party dominated the South for a hundred years, often running on a platform of virulent racism. So wouldn’t that make Gingrich a Union sympathizer? Ever heard the phrase ‘Solid South’? Anyway, pointless exercise.