Demolition Script & Tests

#@$! that looks good! :yes:

probably 90% of the variables will stay, but it’s still evolving so things can change.

however, 10 days plus the time for creating the UI, do you really think i should keep it unreleased till then? i could imagine that many people would pretend to write the UI just to get their hands onto the script. maybe it’s better to release it GUI-less for all, so everyone can look at it before the contest starts.

My jaw drops just looking at those examples…
Keep up the good work, Its appreciated by all…

Very awesome indeed! Looking forward to give it a try.

But I’d definitely also encourage you to make the stiffness/rigidity/breakability/etc properties linked to materials. That’s exactly what materials are representing, what things are made of, and it would be great to be able to set up and save different dynamics properties per material beforehand. It would be great, not just for glass shattering but also giving much more realism to any multi-object/material demolition, like in that wheel example, the rubber tyre would conceivably bend and tear much more easily than the rim itself.

cheers, looking forward to see how it goes, and to how easy it might be to bring internal to Blender :slight_smile:

Thats a great step forward for blender. Awesome work.
Looking forward to see first cool-non-demo animations :wink:

I just like to Thank you for this. Thank you very much. This will help me allot in my work. :slight_smile:

Have you looked at using ID properties to store things? ID properties is the new generic property system used in blender. For example, you can see:

Each “library block” (or ID) data in blender has a .properties member. These properties are saved in the .blend. You can have groups, arrays, floats/ints, and strings.

Anyway, it might be useful, and make creating a GUI easier, as you could store the settings inside the simulation object, or something like that. No having to write to text files or anything like that. :slight_smile:


This is getting more and more awesome everytime I look into the thread.

And the steps are so huge, and so fast…

Very well deserved the BlenderNation note…

just keep it going:cool:

I didn’t read through this whole thread, so someone may have mentioned this already, but I suppose it can use different particle deformation options. Looking at the car and engine demo’s, I would think think that things would splinter off intact and fly away. Only larger pieces may deform. Just my observation on this. Regardless, kudos for your efforts on this. It may be a good idea to let the code out in the wild so other programmers could take a crack at refining the techniques needed for various material deformations and splintering/fragmentation. Many minds working together may be a really good thing for this really good thing. :slight_smile:

I can only say WOW !
Your crash test demo and tire sequence are awesome.
As I’m hopeless at programming, I can only admire the amazing work, and thank you for the great tool that you are making for the community !
I already dream of what I will be able to do with this piece of software …
Thanks a lot !

This script is looking awesome cant wait for a release! :smiley:

Whoa! That’s really amazing :smiley:

I second most of the requests:

vertex colour usability
Integration in blender, as additional part in the bullet section
Material or Index Number applying
and so on :smiley:

This is amazing, you are awesome, I hope you are older than me because if not I’m gonna be soo depressed :mad:

Sweet work Kai. I’ll be watching for the complete version. Surely I’ll look to use this wonderful script in my projects, and I’ll spread the news…

Keep at it… :wink:

Rolandixor waz hair…

I just watched that car crash over and over again, this is really good, since you’re saying you’re doing this without needing break maps, this could end up better then some of the aspects of blast code.:eek:

it looks really good already, really really nice job!

So cool haven´t tried the bullet smiultion because of that the objects looks to be undeform able (what I have seen).
But this…:eek:
One cuestion only,
The mass of the object are quite important when calculating the energi that crashes on a wall, that in return makes a diference in how the material reacts. A heavily loaded car (realy heavy) for exampel will smash in anohter way than a empty one, maybe not a huge diference (in this case) but there is.
A parameter to set the total weigth of an object would be a good solution.

Waiting with great fantasys for an realese (with an good interface because of my poor knowings in scripting)

this could also be useful for those nasty csi scenes where it shows someone being killed in slow motion or someone being blown up, just combine it with the fluid sim for a nice blood effect

E x c e l l e n t . . .
Seriously though, I know how getting millions of requests can sometimes be annoying, but I’m gonna also second (or third+ lol) it being integrated into blender’s C code - the compile time is reduced once you’ve compiled the first time (assuming you haven’t changed many internal libraries etc) because it only needs to recompile the libraries that have changed. It would be really great if it were a native part of blender, running at a native speed, and with proper integration that isn’t really possible from python.

Anyway, keep coding! And don’t rush with releasing it until you’re ready with all your ideas and features!
~epat. :slight_smile:

oh my god, that is truely amazing.

I can’t wait till the release,


btw did you know this has been picked up by blendernation??