Denoise Help

I am having problems with my sky and rendering. The objects in the scene are coming out clear and sharp as I wanted, however in the sky I am losing clarity in the clouds and around the planet. I have been playing with the settings, bumping up the number of renders, denoise adjustments and so on but do not get any other result in the render.

If I turn off denoise then I get a lot of white dots, way too many to even look like film grain. Even turning the render samples to 4096.

This is another version with post-processing in an image editor. Where I can add a bit of grain to it, I can still see the blurriness in the cloud edges.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Are you using Nishita sky?

I am using True-Sky along with Cloudscape.

True-Sky Changes the render settings and requires cycles. It auto adds the denoise. I try to remove it and they look like crap. The default render is 128, I bump that up but that does not really help in the render. The True-Sky alone works fine… maybe there is a conflict between that and Cloudscape. I like the depth that I get adding additional clouds from Cloudscape and would like to keep them. I already removed 2 clouds to see if that helped but did not.

I thought it might be in the volume but I have removed that which removes True-Sky (well some of it as it requires volume to be enabled) and still getting the blockieness in the cloud and planet(s).