Denoise without SSE4.1 in node editor

Hallo everyone,
I try to use denoising on my old machine


I realised I am able to use denoiser in my renders (render properties>sampling tab>denoise), using an optiX denoiser, it works, apperantly O.K.

While obviously I cannot use this node- because my processor doesnt support it

I wonder, if there is a way to use a node, which would add the optiX pass in my compositor.
Thanx a bunch


First of all, never USE both GPU and CPU in your CUDA options, uncheck CPU and leave GPU as being checked one.

As for your main question, believe it or not, but I’m too having GTX 1060 6GB and my Denoise node in Compositing works just fine (tested in 2.93 & 3.5.0)

I think the problem is that you have checked the CPU in your preferences

hallo and thank you for reply.

why is that?

nope, it did not solve the SSE4.1 node problem. That would be nice though, I really wonder how to acces the denoiser my renderer is using ???

I’ve heard that it’s not affects your render time using both of these features enabled. It is rather to use something which more powerful than the other, in your case, I can assume, it is a GPU.

Check the answer from Thomas Dinges out there:

Seems like it’s possbile to do only with denoising being turned off

Also something similar was here before:

ok, but my question still stays unanswered…

Sorry, maybe I got it wrong, but from what I’ve understood is that since your CPU doesn’t support SSE4.1, you cannot use this node.

If you meant whether there’s a node specifically for the optiX - I have no idea, but can assume that there’s no such thing for this.

However, I’ve found something similar to your question here

Hope it helps


yeah they say: CPU compositing only :wink: