Deselect a poly island (linked) with double click one of the mesh part (vertex, edge, face)

Hey there!

I’m searching for this feature,Shift-L%20to%20deselect%20linked.
“With Pick Linked you can also select connected geometry directly under the cursor, using the L shortcut to select or Shift-L to deselect linked.”
i’m looking after the bpy op command of that deselect linked, since i don’t have any on Shift+L
Or any alternative method that works to deselect a poly island (linked) that is under the mouse cursor during the operation.

Thank You!

The operator is mesh.select_linked_pick with the Deselect option ticked. The full python command is bpy.ops.mesh.select_linked_pick(deselect=True).

I have it bound to Ctrl+DoubleClick and it looks like this:

Also this addon adds that functionality with context selection Key Ops: Toolkit (New Update 0.1.81)

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Yep that’s the one!
Thank You for both the replies :slight_smile: