Desert City

Hi everyone! So I played around with the landscape generator in Blender a Friday evening because I was bored and found an interesting noise called “cell noise” that made it look like some kind of city and it was so this project started. First I thought of making some sci-fi city, but the more I experiment with it I wanted to try another direction and made it more natural and old. I worked on it for 3 evenings so it probably could have some more polish as some part are pretty rushed, but I wanted to just make something quick and not get stuck in the details. Foliage and most of the materials are from Megascans to save time. The Megascans materials was combined with some procedural noises and pointiness as masks in Blender to create quick variations on the buildings. Rendered in Cycles 1920x1080 with 512 samples (15 min gtx 1060) and upresed in Gigapxiel to 4k to save render time. Post in Photoshop where I added some birds and cloud’s.

Edit: made it more clear that the materials is not fully procedural, just some procedural elements on top of some of the Megascans materials, sorry for any missunderstandings.


The landscape I got inspired of

Wip Test Render



Nice work!

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Awesome. I’m interested in composing some music for an animated shot of this.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi, You are free to make music for it if you want to, but I can unfortunately not render a animation of it because it would take forever to render it. Perhaps its possibly to make some kind of magic in after affects to make it seam a bit more 3d and slowly zooming in on it or something, you are free to try if you want to.

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Thank you so much!

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Awesome work! Great modeling and awesome texturing.
Just one little thingy: I would make the distant sand less full of details.
Actually, you should simulate the look through the lens of a camera so add some depth of field to the render.

Awesome job and I wish I could do stuff like you.

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: and thank you for the feedback, I agree that depth of field would help make it less noisy with the sand. Perhaps I can fix it in Photoshop or just rerender it.

Howly… that’s good stuff - all from procedular noise? WOOW.

English is not my first lanuged so I perphaps wrote something that could be takingen in an different way. What I meant was that the materials (the megascan materials) was combined with different kinds of noise and geometry pointiness to make variation and color variation on the buildings, they are not fully procedural materials, just some procedural elements on top of the megascans material. I will try to change the text to make it more clear. Im sorry for the miss understanding and I will try to make my texts more easy to understand.

Hi, nice work!
I noticed noise in the sky - is it because of Gigapixel or just the effect you wanted to achieve?

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Thank you, I guess it both, I intently added some noise in Photoshop and Gigapixel perhaps increased the intensity of the noise because I only renderd at 512 samples in cycles. But it was not intentional to get so much noise on the sky compered to the rest of the picture. Its a bit weird and I dont know how that happend.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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WOW! XD Probably the best use I ever seen of a procedural texture! Outstanding job and a great improvement from the original inspiration!

Really great! I love the greenery and the colors of the yellow and green coming together. How did you experience Gigapixel? Is it worth the money?

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Thank you :slight_smile: I used the Gigapixel trial, Im still trying it out so I haven’t formed a conclusion yet. This its what I have noticed so far: In therms of quality it often does a decent job, but it can depend a lot on the image. I had somewhat mixed result on some images, sometimes it just looks way worse or not the way you would expect it and sometimes it looks even better then a high res render would look. On this image it works ok, but it gives of a more painterly look when you zoom in which does not seem to happen on other images as much. Could be depending on the how much noise there is will give different results. So it seems it depends on the image a lot. If it worth buying will be up to you, I would suggest trying out the free trial before making a decision.

Thank you Bart! :slight_smile:

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as an architecture-from_the_past lover, i can say this is a pure beauty !

Congratz !

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Thank you :slight_smile: