Desideratum (v2.0)

Cool! but, I’d think of getting rid of the tights, I dunno, they don’t look to heroish. lol.

It looks pretty good; however, I have not checked out the demo. Looks like you guys have a good start. I’m also pretty sure that you have some grass that your going to fill that field with?


I wouldn’t call this a release, it still needs an inventory, menu, etc.

I’ll make it possible to play the game on first person.
The inventory could work like this:
The inventory would use weight. Depending on how much is used, the character should run slower and consume more stamina.
Objects contained in a list (alist = [dagger, sword, great sword, katana, etc]. Weight is recorded when an object is added or removed from a sword. Each object has a class and attributes.
It could be a weapon, potion, a misc item, gold, etc.
There would just be one gold object with an attribute “quantity”, same with other stockable objects such as arrows.
There should be a script of them that if the player has that object on inventory adds to the stock or if not it just adds the object.
When the player places the cursor over an object, it’s class and attributes are revealed.

very good mail me,

looks great man mail me if need help with stuff also if you can help me out with my 3rd person then plz do mail me here or on youtube my user there is jordondavey161

I already had made static shadows. In the next “version” they weren’t there.
The inventory can actually be made in only one day, if there aren’t many bugs.
Edit: Everything it’s not made in logic bricks right now.

I just had to share this one with the BA community. I found the tree on TurboSquid.

Looks good! The houses need some texturing work.

@Rozzy: How do you do the texturing on the ground?

rozzy can you model me a model then mail me

how do you make the character move if its not with python or logic bricks

I used texture stencils. I’ll send you a link.

and… Jordandavey1611, I made the character move by using logic bricks. He has a collision box and bones along with several different actions. And no, I will not modely anything for you, you need to stop asking people to do stuff for you.


[quote=" an anonymous narrator:""] Will this game punch haidme in the face? Will this game kick in the crotch of Krum's main character? We will see. [/quote] (I actually hope so, I love it when two project compete which each other)

- AniCator

You have got to be joking, This game doesn’t “compete” with Krum. Not yet anyways. And I think Haidme has been working to long to compete with anyone. Thanks for the support though.

Haha. Not yet… not yet… :slight_smile:

Good luck.

I find there’s no point in competing with anyone when it comes to GameDev, You’ll just be racing to the finish line and end up with crap. Take it slow and put a lot of heart into it. Make a game because you believe in the project, not just to show up someone else, and pretty graphics aren’t everything, I still find some N64 games are better made than many of the new ones people are trying to rip us off with. Just a bit of advice for everyone here :D.

Looks awesome so far, by the way!

I’ve been meaning to write a nice post on your game thread, but I can’t think of anything worthy. And let me say this again, I’m not trying to compete here. Accually, I should say “we”, B3D00, -[Killer]-, Artheros, and I. And I fully agree on N64 games, I own a Wii nd I downloaded some of the old N64 games I used to play at my neighbors house. I prefer to play zelda orcania over WW and TP. I also prefer Mario Kart racing over practicly any other racing game out there. We are not going for “just graphics”. I tried to make the animations “seamless”, improving the way it feels, We are working on the Camera right now as well. However, we definitly need a storyline.:(.

Thanks for the comment Matt,


Yeah, I wasn’t directing that towards you, So please don’t take it as criticism or an insult. Thats one problem with the internet, you may read it differently than I meant to write it :D!
I just wanted to put some words of wisdom for those who are just trying to compete (unlike you).

but I can’t think of anything worthy

I don’t think it’s that special, I’m just trying to make something you will hopefully be entertained by!

Hey guys, check out our tiny weapons demonstration:

We are going to make animations etc for putting away/taking out./using all the weapons. Have fun!

Hi, this is a screenshot of the little demo above, Basicly, you can watch the walk cycle and run cycle with all his gear on, press play and then press space bar to run. All he gear is interchangeable, such as his gloves, boots, sheath on belt, sheath on back, shield on his back, quiver, 2 slots in each hand, a bow slot on his back, and his hair + helmet. I think there are a few more, but I forget. We will also add some pouches to his belt, and give him some different armors to choose from…