please ignore that little edge of the road that just sorta cuts off, im fixing that. Comments/Flames/Suggestions? (keep in mind, im still pretty new to blendering)
Looks good. Can we see a bigger one? Can’t see much with this size of image. Also, you need to press the “OSA” button in the render window, prior to rendering. Will get rid of all of those little edges on the image.
Nice sky. maybe you should turn on mBlur give it a more “speedy” look.
Yep! BgDM is right:
make it bigger,
make it antialiased (OSA button)
Then, if that is a deSSert racer you should make it more candy/pudding/cake like maybe some cherries or whipped cream on the top? Strawberries?
Then, if that is a deSSert racer you should make it more candy/pudding/cake like maybe some cherries or whipped cream on the top? Strawberries?
LOL. Good one S68 (as BgDM gets up from the floor, catching his breath)