detective office

This is my first time posting, just a stereotypical film noir detective office

Critique would be very much appreciated :slight_smile:

I really like the black and white, good job with the coloration. I don’t care much for the lamp shade, it stands out a bit as just a blob of blankness. The shadow of the blinds on the wall looks like it’s pointing towards something, but there’s nothing there. Perhaps you could add a coat rack or something interesting in the corner by the picture frames.

Other than that I think it looks really good. The crooked frame is a nice touch.

I like the black and white too: a “detective” office, in black and white, really very good! I agree with @atr1337 about the shadows, but anyways, looks great your image!

Thanks for the replies :slight_smile:
I put the emit value on the lamp shade down. My original idea was to make it seem as if a detective had just left in a hurry, so to give a bit more focus I pointed the blinds towards the desk and chair more where the half filled glass is. I also took the phone off the hook and added the empty coat rack that you mentioned atr1337.
Hope the changes are an improvement :slight_smile:

It’s way too dark, more light should be coming inside the office from the street lamps or something. Also, I think you should work more on the materials, the lamp and the table look very similar. All in all, this scene looks very promising!

The reason the lamp and table materials look similar is probably because they are the same one :slight_smile: But I’ll add some more materials and change a few things about to improve. I will keep the materials without textures though, because I prefer the less realistic look. I’ll also up the environment lighting and the distance of light on the lamp to give a bit more brightness, but I won’t go too far as to ruin the noir look.
Thanks for the response :slight_smile: