Deuce Wild

Thank you dantefrizzoli! I really didn’t know if this would turn out at all, especially with the open engine compartment and a concept V-12 engine but I was just hoping it didn’t look cartoonish. I’m glad you like it, thanks again!

Thank you so much Impreza09 and congrats to you again for your Blenderguru competition win.

Thank you TARDIS Maker!

Thank you bnzs, I’ll try and get a wireframe render done in the next few days. As far as render times I used progressive refinement and I think they both ran for about 2000-2500 passes, the rear view still has some noise as the sun was really hot in that HDRI but I don’t think it would have ever cleaned up completely. I think they both averaged about 10-15 passes/min. so maybe about 3-4 hours each and then the shadow passes I let run for about 500 passes at probably the same rate.

For the modeling, I really have no idea. I know I started modeling it around mid July. Some weeks I probably spent 20 hours and then some weeks I did nothing with it. Almost everything was modeled more than once, even the body. The headers I must have modeled 10 different ways until I figured out something I liked. To add to the confusion was the reference of these cars. Ford made two styles of the coupes for the US and two slightly different styles for Europe and over the years there have been Kit cars for these plus the Hot Rodders and Customizers made subtle changes so it was difficult to know exactly which styles to try and follow. I will just say that it took me a long time, lol.

Thanks again!

Thank you very much Jamie B! I’m glad you like it. I’m glad to have it finally finished, although I don’t know if these things ever feel really finished, there are still things I feel like I should re-do or add to but I’m also anxious to move on to something new. Thanks again for the nice compliments!

Thanks Sweenist! Yeah, there is a lot of chrome, and polished parts, lol.

Thanks CyrJax!

Thanks B-Rae. Those are good points, I know in real life a car like this would be a complete mess even after only driving a few miles with those wide open tires throwing everything on the road everywhere. I did experiment with the tire tread in the rear render, trying to get it to look as if he had just done a burn-out but I was unable to get a result I liked. Thanks again!

Thanks mik1190! Yeah I agree the close up of the tire could use some more detail to make it more interesting as well as believable. Things to keep in mind for future renders. Thanks again!

u could work on way better materials and same better color.

Sick model.

This is awesome!!!
I cannot wait to see the wireframes…I can only look and drool over the final renders right now. Well Done!!!

If you could be a bit more specific it would be helpful. I don’t know what you mean by same better color.

Thank you j_cogdell

Thank you tc2466, the wireframes are coming.

There were a few requests for wire frames so I tried out the new freestyle rendering in 2.72. Really nice system and pretty easy to use. So here they are. Critiques welcome, I know there is room for improvement.

The wireframes looks really clean! Could you explain how to achieve the wireframe with Freestyle? I’m currently giving it a go and having some trouble. Thanks :smiley:

Have you seen this video?

There were a few things moved around but pretty easy to find. If after watching it and you’re still having a problem let me know and I’ll try to help you out.

Thanks for the link! If I have any problems I let you know for sure :slight_smile:

No problem, cool