[Dev] Anyone still using Singletexture materials?

I was reading about gles 3 and it looks it got a lot more, so was wondering, why not GLES 3.0 instead of 2.0?

Because most Android devices only support OpenGL ES 2.0. Android 2.2+ devices should have OpenGL ES 2.0 support, but you need Android 4.3 for OpenGL ES 3.0 support.

Source: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/opengl.html

As it was said already, with multitexture and glsl you can do the same as with singletexture and I don’t know of any computer nowadays that doesn’t support multitexture or glsl. I guess in a about five years it will be rare for anyone to have a computer that doesn’t support glsl, so then, if Blender is still in development, it would be a good time to remove multitexture too, in my opinion.

Yes, but in here it says that:

the OpenGL ES 3.0 API is backward-compatible with the 2.0 version of the API, so you may want to write your application so that it uses OpenGL ES 3.0 features, but falls back to the 2.0 API if the 3.0 API is not available.

Backwards-compatible meaning that GLES 2.0 apps are compatible with GLES 3.0, and not the other way around (GLES 3.0 apps will need GLES 3.0 to run).

Single textures simply means more performance and higher FPS for any engine out there…Unity,Unreal and CryEngine supports single textures and they will support this mode as long as possible. There are thousands of games out there made with single textures and there will be more each year.
Do not underestimate the power of single textures. :wink:

Haidme; no one is making people who use multi-texture mode use multiple textures with it (just use the TexFace option for all your materials), it’s just that removing the parts deemed redundant or outdated will make it easier to maintain and develop the BGE, especially when you consider that it doesn’t have a lot of developer resources to work with.

Besides, if conversions are needed, it can be done automatically for projects that are opened in new versions of Blender (like how it is now with the Touch sensors in a project being removed due to them being redundant and thus removed from the code and Collision sensors popping up in their place with the same settings.)

I see, thx.

+1 to remove singletexture. Never quite saw the point in using it over multitexture anyway; and while we’re at it, might just ditch multitexture as well. Doesn’t deactivating options under the “Shading” tab in the BGE when selecting GLSL also result in a massive fps increase? So if you don’t need a high resolution real-time shadow, just deactivate shadows etc… The performance probably isn’t comparable to singletexture, but still… And if you can’t run GLSL applications to begin with, you should really consider to upgrade your hardware. A decrease in desktop-PC sales is hardly an argument against ditching single-/multitexture, considering that probably even the most cheap-o laptop with integrated graphics can run GLSL (well, to some degree). And to my knowledge Blender isn’t an option on like 99% (made-up statistic) of consumer tablets yet anyway.

Just wondering, was any decision made?

+1 for the removal of Singletexture and Multitexture. (yes, a late response to an old thread haha)

I still use multi-texture every now and then (to save some rendering issues) so I think multi should stay but single should go. (no point to keep it). :yes:

Singletexture mode has just been removed as part of a massive cleanup of the BGE core (in areas dealing with rasterization and physics control).

As suggested, this is just one part of a major cleanup effort that was committed today, so hopefully this means a BGE that is easier to add functionality to combined with better performance and less bugs.

Nice to see that the BGE core is getting a facelift to kick off the various overhauls that will mark the 2.7x series, if anyone has bugs in multitexture that weren’t there with singletexture, then I would recommend filing a bug report so it can be made to work in multitexture.