Developer Meeting Notes

It’s my thinking that if the BF does 3.0 it will not be a milestone but a major rewrite of the software with a different core, maybe even a different license.

The BF would first have to rewrite every single line of code from people who either don’t approve of a license change or can’t be contacted at all. That would add a massive amount of work on top of redoing the core.

Then there’s the fact the BF doesn’t seem interested in moving away from the GPL to begin with.

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My thinking is that this won’t happen for at least 15 years, so they might as well use 3.0 now.

The interface and the Python API is now officially frozen.

That doesn’t mean no new menu entries or hotkeys, but the devs. will no longer make commits that break newly minted documentation or addons.


has been since monday

now its official

For developers, the user interface and Python API will be frozen at the end of today. We will wait two days before making it official in case serious issues come up.

I prefer the Blender icon and I’m glad it’s back. I found the written Blender menu left of File confusing. The placement of the entries now make more sense to me also.

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  • The Blender 2.80 user interface is now frozen, so that there is a stable base for creating documentation and tutorials. Settings will stay in the same place and screenshots should remain valid for the final 2.80 release. A handful of menu entries may be added, or a tooltip might be improved, but nothing that would break documentation.
  • The Python API will also remain compatible, so add-ons working now should continue working in the final 2.80 release.
  • Developers start updating the user manual next week. Campbell will map out the work to be done and organize it.
  • The Summer of Code coding period has started. Ray Molenkamp has volunteered to create daily Windows builds of all branches for testing, though of course it will take a while before there will be anything testable in most branches.
  • Regression tests are now passing on all 64 bit platforms, only on 32 bit some issues remain. Developers should run tests before committing changes.

New Features and Changes

About 110 bugs have been fixed in the last week.

  • Sequencer: smarter cache invalidation makes interactive moving of strips and tweaking strip properties much smoother. ( Richard Antalík )
  • Particles: optimization for generating millions of particles on computers with many cores. ( Juan Gea )
  • COLLADA: support for exporting with a different global axis rotation. ( Gaia Clary )
  • Transform tool is back in the 3D viewport toolbar, the other gizmo settings remain unchanged for those who prefer to enable transform gizmos independent of tools. ( Campbell Barton )
  • Mesh editing overlays have been tweaked to have more contrast regardless of the material and lighting used. ( Clément Foucault )
  • Workbench studio light presets have been changed to add more contrast. ( Clément Foucault, William Reynish )
  • Many small user interface layout tweaks. ( William Reynish )

Weekly Reports


Well the thing is that Blender is not really selling anything so they don’t really need to hype a new version to “sell” to users. People here know that 2.8 is a huge milestone for the software and there are enough Blender evangelists to spread the word to others.

I personally think 3.0 should be a complete re-thinking of what Blender should be. They don’t have to change the license if they don’t want to but maybe re-explore the core, maybe move to a better toolkit on the backend to deal with platform changes more easily (like maybe Qt). Stuff like that. But that’s just me.

this has be done in blender 2.8
they have rewrite the user interface ,rewrite the viewport with the new opengl 3.3 minimum, they have ad a new pbr engine(eevee) they ad a full 2d animation system, they rewrite the dependency graph from scratch! they ad a new layer system from scratch,a new collection system , i mean people i dont think if we ever get so much improvement in one release , blender 2.8 will be a legendary release

I agree that . In VR/AR/MR times, Blender of UI,UX have to be completely re-design .

and this is just a start :wink:

So many adjustments and additions have been made to all kinds of UI elements during the past months, but still no way to organize one of the best new features: Quick Favorites. The list has become a mess of all kinds of functions, tools and modifiers since I started using Blender 2.8 months ago, and I don’t dare to reset my Preferences anymore because I’d also lose my Quick Favorites.

How glad I’d be to have Quick Favorite options like reorganizing entries, order entries alphabetically, create sections with headers, create submenus, and to have a save option that is independent of the Preferences.


after everything node
will arrive
everything favorites ui all
and then the mix will come
everything node transforming in everything ui favorites

o wait, I’m dreaming of softimage ice :joy:

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  • Summer of Code coding started this week. Follow development in the summer of code forum. Daily Windows builds of all the branches are available, though it’s still very early.
  • Work started on updating the manual, but we’re not quite ready to get all developers involved in this yet. So it’s postponed to next week, when we should have a clear tasks list and guidelines, and the major reorganizations of chapters are in place.
  • COLLADA support has been improved in 2.80 but could use more testing. Leave any feedback on this forum topic.

New Features and Changes

There were a few user interface improvements.

  • Gizmos now activate on drag after small distance, which allows clicking to select items behind gizmos. There are now separate drag thresholds for mouses and pen tablets. ( Campbell Barton )
  • Navigation gizmos are now available in the image, clip and sequencer editors. ( Campbell Barton )
  • Continuous grab can now work only in the X or Y direction for operators that only. This makes dragging the playhead in the timeline more predictable. (_ George Vogiatzis_)
  • Stats info shows only unique evaluated geometry now, to give a more accurate indication of memory and processing cost on the CPU and GPU. ( Dalai Felinto ).
  • Walk mode now uses the status bar keymap display for shortcuts. ( Dalai Felinto )

The focus continues to be on bugfixing. Some of the bigger fixes were:

  • macOS viewport performance is much improved on certain graphics card that had lagging issues. To solve this we had to make macOS 10.11 the minimum version that Blender can run on, though the we already only officially supported 10.12 and up. ( Tomoaki Kawada, Brecht Van Lommel )
  • Cycles memory usage for instances is now back to what it was in 2.79. This optimization was moved into the core dependency graph, which means Eevee benefits as well. ( Sergey Sharybin )
  • Cycles denoising has been improved to avoid halos around bright edges. ( Lukas Stockner )
  • Snapping now works on curve objects with modifiers. ( Germano Cavalcante )
  • Texture painting performance on Windows with many cores is much improved, fixing an old threading bottleneck. ( Bastien Montagne )

Weekly Reports


That sounds like you really need to make your own addon !

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I’m too lazy for that. :slightly_smiling_face: Last time I scripted anything was more than 10 years ago, in MaxScript. :slightly_smiling_face:

Haaaaahhhh but scripting is for lazy people ! :grin: Some investment now means… so much cumulated time gained in the future ! I get it though, it’s work.


Yep. I prefer wasting my time over here, pretending I’m a Blender expert. :wink:

Does anyone know where are yesterdays meeting notes or Blender Today episode?