Devilish Char update : the set - see Page 2

He needs some love handles to go with that belly. :smiley: The hands look a bit big compared to the upper arm which is half the size. But if your going for a cartoony look it’s perfect. Possibly make the sholderblades more prodominent on his back. The feet seem to be a bit flat, perhaps a bit of an arch somewhere in there if possible, even slightly to imply. Overall it’s really coming together though, I really like it, can’t wait to see some texture on this one!

Nicely done.

Looks a bit off balance with those feet IMO though. Can’t quite place it, but he doesn’t look balanced to me.


Hi, here is a small animation test combining several shapes for the body muscles.

The UV unwrapping is now complete but the textures are still in progress. I still have to model the face targets and a lot more shapes for the body.

Hope you like it


love the hands, feet look too big and heavy for the legs to lift.
With such a big stomach I think the fat would extend around his back a bit more, just nit picking, when you have the face controllers setup you can give him character :slight_smile:
cool character.

UPDATE dec 31 2005

This is a new anim showing more detailed motion of individual muscle groups. (1Mo)

Watch it

nice rig

Looking really nice! One thing though, I would make the forarm rotate a bit more with the rotation of the wrist, just looked a bit unnatural. Keep at it!! =)

Thanks, but no rig for the moment, only shape keys :wink: I’m actually rigging it and hope to drive keys from bones rotations.

I was a bit bored to work on the rigging ant textures of the char so I’ve worked on the first set for the anim, it’s not finished yet, I have to add some curtains, a plant, maybe a mirror dunno …