Diamond Rings - Blender V4

I was experimenting with V4 path guiding and glossy surfaces. The “table” uses a metallic shader with anisotropy. The stones looked horrible (muddy) at first, until I gave them the correct IoR. Using a slight light dispersion on them. The gold is a bog standard principled metallic shader.

I think they’ve come out OK.

To add, I tried placing the top ring manually, and eventually gave up. Did some parenting, and applied some rigid body and simply dropped it. Much easier.

I should add. 1024 samples with OIDN denoising. Ryzen 5900X. Render time approx 7 minutes.

EDIT. Slight modification to include the hallmark.


Looks good.

I’d suggest adding some glare in compositor to pick and highlight the flashes of light that typically come off diamonds.

I used it to great effect in the following animation (coupled with a dispersion glass shader).

Thank you. I did add some glare as I continued.