can i put 2 (or more) different objects on the same curve?
i know how to do that with 1 object and then duplicate the objects along the curve etc…
but what if i want to put a cube, a sphere and a torus on the same curve (and then even randomize the order in which they appear on the curve)? any ideas?
Make a collection of the objects you want to instance.
Create your curve.
Give the curve a geometry node modifier - set curve to points (decide the number of points) - instance on points-instance a collection (collection info node) and add a random integer.
Note: the checkboxes in the collection info node and instance on points node.
Curve.blend (134.9 KB)
Thank you for your help, i will try that tomorrow and will get back to you! Very much appreciated
i build your setup and it works perfectly for my purpose, thank you Sir! :-)) i also hooked empty objects to each of the control points of the curve for individual animation. and additionally i used random value nodes to control individual rotation and scale for each object on the curve. thank you for your efforts! :-)) helps me learn more about Geo Nodes!