Different reflections: viewport render preview vs render

Recently I did some experiments with lighting and got an issue with reflections on render, which you can see in the picture:

Scene itself:

I used Blender 2.8, Cycles, single area light, in both cases I set 512 samples to render.
Maybe somebody can tell me the reasons, why I’m getting different reflections on render, which don’t exist in render preview?

.blend file:
Reflections.blend (3.9 MB)

Without a shared scene to experiment with, it’s going to be hard to guess.

Ok, I updated post and attached .blend file.

You have “Simplify” enabled with different “AO Bounces” settings for viewport (0) and render (2)…

Wow, thanks! Disabling “Simplify” or changing AO Bounces value helped to solve this issue.