Difficulty in recreating wall material

Hey there!

I’m trying to study environment modelling by recreating places from photos.

The scene I’m currently studying is this one:

So far I only managed to block it:

However, I can’t understand the materials, especially the walls. Any tips on how can I reproduce it?


can you elaborate a little more !

you did not add any windows !

happy bl

The walls look completely matte to me. They are just a non-metallic, high roughness material. The color variations look like they are painted, so they would be done with a texture in the color channel.

The floor looks a bit more glossy than what you have done (lower roughness), but with a subtle bump that breaks reflections a bit. There also seems to be a spotlight coming from above.

Hi Ricky!

Basically, I don’t know how to recreate the walls…

In the photo they seem to have some grainy texture but I can’t understand what causes this effect.

Also, there are some parts brighter than others… what causes this color variation?

color variations
there might be some HDRI world map ?
or several light sources

don’t really see any pattern

some windows seems to have some light

happy bl

Thanks for the guidance, etn249!

That was very clarifying.

I’ll try to follow your tips: matte walls, color variation using the color channel and fix the floor materials.

The spotlight observation was specially helpful once I was very confused with the scene light as well.

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Yeah, it’s pretty hard to find a pattern!

As for the windows, I don’t know exactly how I’ll work them out… I tried to create a glass material and add a point light in the back but the result was a bit weird, the light wouldn’t shine through.

to pass window you need to make mat as transparent
and put some spot light in a box

happy bl

I’ll give it a try Ricky, thanks!