Diffuse/Normal/Glossy/Specular Shader: How to keep everything together?

Hello there.
I’m new to Cycles and tried to put together a shader for this show piece (higher res version in the Focused Critique sub forum):

My problems:
Using the setup I put together I have little control over the blue steel reflection. It goes from too little to too much just editing a value from .200 to .250…
The normal map isn’t sharp enough and needs tweaking, but the colored reflection totally road-kills it flat. In Blender internal it’s the bump/normal which causes troubles to glossy/specularity, so I’m scratching my head.
Also, I haven’t found a working way to add a bump map node to the shader, in addition to the normal I mean.
The setup I managed to put together: (1 Glossy, 2 Diffuse, 3 Normal, 4 Specular)

Is what I’m trying to do possible? If so, where’s my mistake?

Hello. I managed to fix part my problem. Normal map input was not connected, and I connected the spec map via a hue/saturation node:

I still have to find a way to mix the normal with a bump. Any suggestions?
Also, I followed more than a tutorial and apparently everybody has is own way to set up materials, even a simple diffuse. Any feedback about my setup is welcome.

normal map node
u still need to select UV map in that node then play with strength for more bumps!

happy bl

Thanks for the tip, since UV were used I thought it was automatically set (!?!)

nop need to add UV map name from data panel

does it look better and easier to see bumps now?
show us pic

happy bl

My apologies, I can’t understand, this is maybe the 4th material I set in cycles.
Do I need to add a node/panel?
O is it something in the nodes I already have?

for the uv name
you can find it in the propertie data panel near bottom

sorry having problem with internet
I cannot upload pic!

happy bl

Found! Now I only have to remake the normal map!

Thank you RickyBlender!