DimSum Dumplings


Great textures, atmosphere, composition.


Growing up, I’d get a rap across my knuckles if I held chopsticks like that :stuck_out_tongue:

hey, don’t be rude…in africa they still eat on the ground, right ?
in my country we eat with a fork, so what? we’re all the same
check my dumplings out-they are correct :wink:

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sorry i had a problem properly positioning them even with refs n.b. no
disrespect to any culture

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All good, it was tongue-in-cheek, nothing serious!

For what it’s worth, chopsticks should converge at the tips - I think one of the reasons people find them awkward to use is because they’re trying to hold them like scissors, and have them try to cross over.

Anyways, I always appreciate works on food, because there are so many elements to make it believable.

Again, I found it a great piece of work.

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as for the reference…

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thanks :fire: :fire: