Got pretty far with this, need to make a tongue and smile blendshape. Mesh seems to be deforming OK with bones, just going to add controllers for eyes. Might get texturing started.
What? How did I miss baby rudolph? Right up my alley. Love seeing your concept sketches and updates. Deformation looks great, too. What are your plans for the model?
Edit: Nevermind, just saw the post where you talked about your plans Looking forward to more updates.
Made lots of progress with this but haven’t had time to properly W.I.P it. This is the sculpt. It’s mostly just fur stamps made with scanned pencil drawings.
Refined the control rig and got some texturing worked out. Painted with Blender tex paint / layered version assembled with Krita. Cartoony eye highlights have been a bit tricky to implement the way I want but I think I know where I’m going with it.
Baked the ‘fur’ details into a normal map
This is just about finished now, I’m going to make a few renders then put it up on Blendermarket. It’s a bit niche but you never know, someone might buy it. I’ve started bodging up a couple of objects for a simple scene.
Quick poses for renders
Set up a quick scene without putting too much thought into it. The Eevee render doesn’t look too bad ‘in camera’ but I’m going to separate out a few layers so I do some adjustment in Krita
The red gradient in the material node setup is Rudi’s nose glow, it’s not going to actually glow (bloom or halo) but I want a nice saturated red
Seeing as my skull model is the only thing that seems to sell on BlenderMarket, I’m going to have a go at a decent quality 3D human skeleton. This’ll probably take me a while, making the vertebrae will probably task my attention span to the limit (still have memories of the Allosaurus skeleton and it’s vertebrae don’t vary nearly so much as human ones
This hand is what I’ve done so far and I’ll try to get it in the shop soon, might make a control rig for it
Added the hand bones model to finished projects
Ran up a basic 3D version of the fish just to get the form down, going to re-topologise a subdivision version over the top of this
Body is subdivided cube smushed around with sculpting tools, teeth and fins are polygon modelling
Hell yeah! Didn’t expect you to make the 3d model, but it’s looking great as always
Thanks, just made a snap decision to 3D the sketch, I’m easily side tracked
Retopologised with basic posing rig
Had no time for this lately, managed to squeeze a couple of hours in yesterday for sculpty stuff.
Made a stencil image to make the body scales, dragged the sculpting brush on a subtract setting to put grooves in fins.
'Orrible fish geezer now in finished projects
been too busy for art lately but managed to make this last week.
Haven’t had time for 3D lately,
Started making some small items for the Blender Market shop in spare moments.
Got a realtime version on Sketchfab
Got bored waiting for shop approval on the magnifying glass so i made this vintage version using the same lens
Got the Sherlock Holmes-ey version on Sketchfab