Dinosaur Asteroid

Hi. This is for a school project. I would like some fast feedback on it before use it :open_mouth:

Not done enterely in Blender. I used photoshop aswell. I don’t care. You can’t tell me what to do! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

EDIT: Did I really post this in finished projects? I’m sure I posted it to WIP. Did it get moved? Wat.

Looks good. I would try and find a way to post process a rather subtle meteor into the fireball…perhaps mix with weight as inverse of value in the fireball? That way it would be more visible in the gaps, and not where the white hot areas are. At the moment the fireball looks like it doesn’t contain anything, or it is not being generated by a meteorite. Not that I am an expert on life ending meteor strikes, but the ball of flame looks a little ‘empty’.

Another thing I would think about is the potential inclusion of some smaller fragments of rock that have split from the main meteorite to create their own smaller fireballs off at slight angles to the trajectory.

p.s. isn’t it technically a meteorite once it is within the Earth’s atmosphere?

You are right. I need to make the fire less visible. Good idea with the fragments too, I didn’t think about that. And yes you are correct, it is tecnically a meteorite :stuck_out_tongue:

I did it!

I like the changes, but I’m biased :wink: My only other thoughts would be: I wonder what it would look like if the light emmitting from the meteor was increased a little (or maybe some cheaty lighting to make the front orange light glow more strongly on the front of the dinosaur too). Not necessarily better, just a potential tweak. Also, I wonder whether changing the rotation of the upper meteor fragment to make it a little more shallow would work, it currently looks like it has a slightly steeper trajectory than the main meteor. That fragment is also a little larger than I had visualised, but like I said - I am no expert in getting hit by giant metorites. :slight_smile:

I did actually spend a long time on getting the the light on the dinosaur right. I found, that when I inceased it, it would completely blow out the sand, and it looked really bad.

My presentation is due monday. I don’t have time to make any further changes until then. But thank you so much for your feedback! In case you were wondering, my subject is the theory that a meteorite killed the dinosaurs, and this is my (obligatory) ‘product’. Wish me luck! I’ll post how I did. :slight_smile:

That’s what I suspected might be the case - that was what I meant by “cheaty” lighting on the dinosaur…it’s something that I quite like, setting up a lighting system that is not quite physical but seems to just work well from an aesthetic perspective. You can avoid blowing out the sand, but still get some extra glow on whatever object you want to.

No problem, glad you found it helpful :slight_smile: Good luck!

That’s what I suspected might be the case - that was what I meant by “cheaty” lighting on the dinosaur…it’s something that I quite like, setting up a lighting system that is not quite physical but seems to just work well from an aesthetic perspective. It’s thinking purely about the artistic presentation as a whole and seperating ourselves from the tendancy to focus too much on realism - we can make things that look better than a photo. In this case, you can avoid blowing out the sand, but still get some extra glow on whatever object you want to.

No problem, glad you found it helpful :slight_smile: Good luck!