Dinosaur - Texture

I would like to do a dinosaur but how texture is skin ?

I know that i have to created a bump map, a normal map and a diffuse map but how to make a realistic bump map ? How to do each scale ?

Thank you,


You can use an image of a scale (or an array of multiple scales) and either use it as a stencil, or with the default brush to paint with the image.

If you were to paint them directly, using an image of a single scale would probably be best. Whereas if you were to use the stencil painting, an image with many scales would be best, as you’ll be able to do many scales in the one stroke.

Ok thank you. But your techniques requires a lot of polygons, no ? Are there an other solution to do just a bump map quickly ?

Sculpting will give you the best results, you can use a multires modifer and sculp the scales at around level 4 or 5, and then bake normal maps down to 1 or 2 to keep it low poly.

You can also just slap a normal map on there. I made this tileable one some months ago, It’s pretty generic, but it gives you quick scale bump. Here is what it looks like on an unwrapped suzanne, and the nodes. And a link to the normal map .png on dropbox


Normal map png on dropbox

Rather than sculpting, you can also just paint the texture straight onto a height map.

Here I have used a ‘Noise Texture’, just as an example, that is used to feed the ‘Height’ value of a ‘Bump’ node. This converts the height map to a set of normals, which is used to supply normal map information to the ‘Diffuse BSDF’.

Here, you can just stamp the scale texture straight onto an image, and as a result you don’t need to worry about high poly counts.

Thanks a lot for your anwser. I will test that soon :slight_smile: