I’ve been working on developing realistic human workflows in Blender and I’ve seen that the method for skin shading in Maya / Arnold is to leave the Diffuse slot of the shader empty, and plug the Base Color Map into the Subsurface Color only.
Does anyone know how to achieve this w/ the Principled BSDF?
Turning off Diffuse in the Ray Visibility did not work.
Are you sure? Because that’s not the correct way to do that - not in Blender, anyway.
Your albedo map (a diffuse map) is plugged into the diffuse. You plug your SSS map into the SSS slot, which is normally a tweaked version of your albedo (various different ways to do it - no one technique)
Yeah, I know that the maps are typically used for their designated slots, but Ian Spriggs, Kris Costa and Ryan Kingslein set a global SSS intensity for the skin, use no Diffuse, and then plug the Color Map into the SSS Color. Their results are undeniable.
I’m getting OK results with the Diffuse + Global SSS but they definitely aren’t neglecting diffuse for no reason.