Disable Diffuse in Principled PBR Shader?

Hey everyone.

I’ve been working on developing realistic human workflows in Blender and I’ve seen that the method for skin shading in Maya / Arnold is to leave the Diffuse slot of the shader empty, and plug the Base Color Map into the Subsurface Color only.

Does anyone know how to achieve this w/ the Principled BSDF?
Turning off Diffuse in the Ray Visibility did not work.

Thanks in advance.

Are you sure? Because that’s not the correct way to do that - not in Blender, anyway.

Your albedo map (a diffuse map) is plugged into the diffuse. You plug your SSS map into the SSS slot, which is normally a tweaked version of your albedo (various different ways to do it - no one technique)

Yeah, I know that the maps are typically used for their designated slots, but Ian Spriggs, Kris Costa and Ryan Kingslein set a global SSS intensity for the skin, use no Diffuse, and then plug the Color Map into the SSS Color. Their results are undeniable.

I’m getting OK results with the Diffuse + Global SSS but they definitely aren’t neglecting diffuse for no reason.

Just set the diffuse to a linear neutral gray value? (0.5 to 1.0 range, see what works best)

You can use the Subsurface scattering shader node, for only SSS, and mix it with other shaders as you want.

here a example for principled shader and a SSS node with diffuse mix builds.Left principled result on cube.Right SSS node build on cube.

for better visibility the SSS shader setup without the principled shader connected

The color in the SSS shader is the Subsurface color like in the principled shader.

rendered with Cycles X build

Do you have a link or Video where we can see what they do?