Ist it possible in Blender to disable inbetweens for blocking to get only the extreme poses? I know that is it posible in Maya, but haven’t found it in Blender until now.
I want to do this:
Does anybody have an idea?
Ist it possible in Blender to disable inbetweens for blocking to get only the extreme poses? I know that is it posible in Maya, but haven’t found it in Blender until now.
I want to do this:
Does anybody have an idea?
In the f-curve editor, select all the curves you’d like to block and from the key menu select interpolation -> constant. Once done blocking and to get back the in-betweens, select interpolation -> bezier.
Awesome, works perfectly! Thanks a lot.
You can also set the default behavior in user prefs:
User Preferences > Editing > New F-Curve Defaults (default interpolation and handle type).
Thank you also for the tip.