Disable Popups on creating a Topic?

“This topic is similar to…” NO IT ISN’T! :anger: :rage:

I did experienced something else… but i guess this is something introduced by the discource software used here on BA… and to be honest: doesn’t we all know this “user friendly” changes which came up everywhere in web services, applications and OS’s to make “better” suggestions are… the opposite and don’t we ignore them…
(Like: no thanks, i don’t want to use this awesome app under windows because i don’t use it since… eons… and by the way my first search word was linux… )
And thinking about this: sometimes some newbie question may not have been ask if the newbie didn’t clicked away this message… or it even didn’t appear… see above… opposite efffect… unnecessary addition… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face:

I wouldnt mind it if it wont appear pretty much every time (even for the very specific questions far from novice topics), or was a setting that you can turn off

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I don’t think it can be turned off. You can hit escape to quickly dismiss it.

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