Disappearing shadow...


I’m somewhat new to Blender. I’m starting work on a still-life scene, attached:

I know the sky and lots of other things look bad, but I’m not worried about those right now. What I am worried about is the shadows under the legs of the table, and how they don’t start for a few inches past where the leg touches the ground. Why is this? Here is my current lighting setup: There is a spotlight outside the window (for the halo effect), a sun farther beyond that outside, and a very dim lamp inside. The disappearing shadow remains when I remove the indoor light. I believe the problem is the sun light. I’m not willing to make it less bright, so is there another way to fix this?

P.S. if you have any tips to help me be less bad at this, do tell!


P.P.S. I am trying to attach the .blend, but the forum won’t let me link the URL (it’s mediafire) and it’s too big to attach (there’s a limit of 900-something KB). What do i do?

Dumb question check… are you sure the table is touching the ground, and not hovering a few ‘inches’ off of it?

Check the Clip Start and Clip End of your light, assuming you’re using Buffer Shadows. Makes sure the scene is nicely within the clipping. Enabling Autoclip could also do it for you.

If this won’t solve the problem try lowering the Bias

Thanks so much! The problem was the Bias… it was set to 1. I had no idea what that did before. Thanks again.