Discharging a citizenship, nay!

Yea, It’d be great to have children in the US sow our clothes than in Asia. What a great example that would set. That would undoubtedly be a step forward.

They already carry your groceries and slave away in fast food kitchens for minimum wage. What’s the difference?


They already carry your groceries and slave away in fast food kitchens for minimum wage. What’s the difference?[/quote]
The fact that they actually get money and some sort of laws protecting them.


They already carry your groceries and slave away in fast food kitchens for minimum wage. What’s the difference?[/quote]
The fact that they actually get money and some sort of laws protecting them.


He didn’t say under the same laws.

My ancestors left their homelands to make a better life. They come to America to find prosperity and peace for their families. They were all proud to be called an American.
My grandmother was swedish, my grandfather from Ireland and my other grandmother was from Germany. They were all proud Americans that loved their country and came here for a better life. (My grandfather from sweden was in the merchant marine and jumped ship!)
None of them left their country because they were disgusted with it. They loved their homelands - but they all found a life here. They were good citizens of bothe their homelands and as Americans.
My swedish grandmother always taught the importance we have to vote and be responsible to our comunity.

In response to fligh%. Maybe you can’t vote out hitler. However, when good men do nothing evil prevails. There are so many Americans they did not like George bush but did not vote. How can you speak! Stand up for your rights and ideas! Its people that say nothing and do nothing that is the problem. People that let hitler and the gestapo take over and then line up for your uniform. A citizen is not a sheep - he is a man with a voice.

I don’t agree with my family on politcs many times lol. My mothers family (swedes and irish) are all raving liberals lol. My mother has a picture of hillary clinton on the refridgerator. I am a conservative at heart. But it is in the arena of voting, action, ideas that we work out the direction of our country. When these things fail we pick up guns and kill each other. As a marylander I am aware of the cost of a civil war. Use your voice, speak, act, read.

Anyway I’m not trying to get to serious on you :slight_smile: I just find is sad that someone is so discouraged that they are willing to renouce their citizenship rather then fight to make a better place for your children and your grandchildren.

Maybe, in the not so distant future, more and more U.S. citizens will leave their country for the very same reason (if current trends continue).

You cannot fault these folks any more than you could your ancestors. For some people the “better life” probably means something other than feeding a blind war machine driven by wasteful consumerism. To each their own.

I agree with your sentiments, but they belong to an era before Bush. Flying the US flag on my boat has now put my life in danger in places like Venesuela, Brazil and the Med. I think that is the sentiment that the original poster was expressing.


Doesn’t mean much when we’re locked in a two-party system not only by tradition, but by legislation and lawsuits (lawsuits from the dems and reps arising on the basis that third parties can’t win because they’re not us and they’ll take our candidate’s votes).

I voted Kerry but I didn’t care for Kerry much either.

We’re pretty much locked into a position that’ll get just corrupt enough to piss people off and incite change, then become just incorrupt enough as to not piss enough people off until the cycle repeats.

There is also a fundamental difference between the social conditions of early American immigrants and the social conditions prevailing today.

Many immigrants came to the US because they were rejected by their own country.

The very first pilgrims had already been banned from existing in England. I’m amazed they were able to get a Crown charter permitting them to come here.

The great Irish potato famine existed because of the anti-Irish laws and conditions prevailing in government at the time. The famine could have easily been mitigated by benevolent government policy.

How about all the people escaping Italy, France, and Germany during their national problems? People rendered powerless by their governments naturally seek out a life and government which gives them the power to act for themselves.

Today, there is no where to escape to and no evil organization to escape from. Black slaves didn’t go “home” to Africa (from where their own people sold them away). They stood-up for their rights and dignity and won. Both men and women today have rare understanding of the slavish conditions governing the lives of women here in this very country at the turn of the century. WWII and natural social progression drove us towards suffrage, and it was accomplished because women stood-up and fought for the right to self-governance and recognition as part of the national constituency. In this country we still have the rights and powers to seek improvement in both the civic and private (individual) arenas.

The danger facing society today is not the facist kind of intolerance (even though it still exists); rather, it is an eager permissiveness proclaiming (against all reason) that freedom is some kind of cure-all band-aid permitting an individual to do whatever he wants without consideration of scope or consequence.
The war of intolerance continues, but it is now, more than ever before, a war of words aimed at the individual. The methods are a mixing of truth with pretense, dogmatic recitation of ideas (repeated sufficiently that people believe them), simplification of thought, abnegation and intolerance of law, desensitization to violence, and deification of arrogance (the bad kind of pride).

Americans are in danger not only because of the wicked actions of our leaders, but because of the wicked justifications of the leaders (and, as in America, the citizenry) of other powers. The problem is global. And it exists because people globally permit (or “put-up with”) it.

Disobedience and escapism never bred anything but anger and injury. That’s why our words and actions must not be escapist. You cannot escape a war of ideology.

P.S. Just to be clear. I am not advocating revolution or communism.

I’m not a part of any society, so don’t mention it and there is no children, just individuals

Except that many people are still escaping to America from places which still have oppressive governments and/or command economies.


And what make economical imperialism any better ?

Hmm, quite right. I meant it in the context of living here in the U.S. but I didn’t make that clear from context.

Ah okay. Al Capone, obviously the people escaping into America think that America’s economic system and government are much better than their own. Even if it is flawed itself.


A better economy and government doesn’t equal freedom, it’s a false idea that this is what freedom is, country such as Italy, Britain, Sweden, Japan and others are just the same compare to American society, if anything America is less free then most of these countrys, laws such as bestiality, drinking age, AOC, marijuana & hemp laws, gay marriage & sex are such things that America are excessive and repressive toward as compare to the other country such things are more relax or legal, to say a better economy, education and government is freedom is completely false and a out right lie.

I said nothing about freedom. I said they come here because the government is less oppressive and there is a free market (or it is “free-er” than the place from which they came).

You said, “to say a better economy, education and government is freedom is completely false and a out right lie.” So you agree that America has a better ecomony, education, and government? The people who come here think so. They come here because it is better than where they come from. I didn’t say we have complete freedom, I just said that they see America as a better place.


There’s more then one place in this world that has higher education with a free market.

Oh lord, I think this has gone way offtopic. I must control my urge to argue details. I was just expanding on a point made by Duoas. I can’t answer for these people. I just know that people “escape” to America because they find it a better place. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. I’m not saying people only come to America, but they do come to America.


We are mostly suffering from the consequences of wholesale theft by some well-connected and fabulously wealthy people. People with an insatiable desire for gold. People who, though their mouths are stuffed with gold, somehow mumble … “More! More!” People like the Bush family, who own or control not only an oil-company but a major distributor of ammunition and war-goods. (The Carlyle Group et al, in whom the family of Osama bin Ladin was an investor! While the war against their son was going on!) People distributed throughout all three branches of government, and regardless of party affiliation. (They try to split “Repubs” against “Dems” simply to divide the opposition.) People with the power to sabotage the very election process. People who consider a position in government as a license for personal gain. People who have stolen so much, for so long … and who have been on the Social Register of anywhere-and-everywhere for so many lifetimes … that they simply consider it their Right to do so. People who look with bland incomprehension at the notion of “suffering,” or “want.”

“You work three jobs? How very American!”
–George W. Bush
“Let them eat cake.”
–Marie Antoinette … being clueless, not cruel.

It is literally racketeering. If the RICO act only applied to Congress …

The theft proceeds on all fronts: - When “the government spends $150 billion on the war in Iraq,” in whose pockets does the money actually go? Two of the biggest answers are: your President and your Vice-President. And dozens of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. And worst of all, they sell to the enemy too. They’d be quite happy if you were drafted against your will, to carry one of their bullets loaded into one of their guns, only to be killed by a bomb filled with explosives that they sold. Mark my words: there will be hell to pay because Pakistan didn’t buy those airplanes, choosing to spend the money on earthquake-relief instead… that deal was worth $10 billion and they’d better keep their priorities straight! %| - Oil companies (now essentially re-united in the old Standard Oil Trust) think nothing wrong of booking tens of billions of “profits” while winter’s coming on. (Presumably, if the devastation of Katrina were really a factor, they would be posting losses, eh?) - Sen. Frist, a major stockholder in Hospital Corporation of America, is busy setting up a secret “healthcare Manhattan Project” – exempt from the Freedom of Information Act – which would keep his enterprises in gravy-and-biscuits forever. - One reason why check-advance and title-pawn shops are appearing everywhere is that banks own them! They charge nine hundred percent interest. - Banks cheerfully, and knowingly, manipulate the dates at which deposits and checks are processed, in order to earn billions of dollars in “late fees, NSF fees” and other charges over which you have no control. The effective annual-percentage-rate of this activity is several hundred percent. - Looked at your credit-score lately? Oops, looking at it just lowered it, especially if you used one of those on-line “check your score” places! But anyhow it won’t be good, which is why your credit-card just jacked-up your interest rate to 32% overnight. - Pension-holders who worked for thirty years at General Motors just had their benefits wiped out. They’re not allowed to vote on it; not allowed to sue. They’re just screwed. And they don’t get health care. - There are hospitals everywhere but no one can afford to go. Why are they there? Because if your doctor picks up a tool your insurance might be charged $200 a minute for the use of that tool. In other words, they’re looting the insurance. - Iraq was invaded because it wanted to accept Euros, not Dollars, for oil. Venezuela wants to do the same thing and it’s dancing around to avoid invasion. The moment the Dollar is no longer the world’s reserve-currency for oil payments, America’s spending binge days are done! Just like England’s were.
It’s a very grim, depressing picture. God, I wish I were being “extremist!” :frowning: And furthermore, the days when the U.S. can continue to “borrow from itself without limit” to pay for it are fast coming to an end. The Europeans will slam the door shut first. South Americans are contemplating an Economic Union of their own. So are the once-pliant Asian countries. When they realize that their combined power exceeds that of the Americans … that they can put the U.S. back into its place without confronting its military … They Will. (Like any sensible businessman with a family to feed and a life to live, you would, too!)

What is needed now? Not an abandonment of the country! Rather, harsh political pressure. A whole lot of, “You’re fired!” A lot of, “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!

If enough of that is done … if enough cold light is cast … if the Internet comes into its own as a political force before paid staffers overwhelm the membership-rolls of blogs like this one … the roach-bugs will scatter. They have fleeced the country only because the country permitted it to do so.

And there is no “Us vs. Them” here. There is no, “well it’s not my country so it’s not my problem …” The world is a small place now. Everyone must work together to flush these thieves.

Please don’t confuse the actions of high-placed thieves within a country’s government … with the country itself. I am an American too.

(Blushes slightly, steps down off of soapbox, puts it away …)

Man! You should run for office, or at least write a book…