Disconnected but Connected!

This is a short 10-second VFX video where a phone becomes a tiny wilderness scene.
A few years ago, I tried making a few VFX videos, but my PC wasn’t powerful enough to render a few hundred frames in Cycles, so I stopped. Recently, I remembered those moments and decided to give it another shot. I motion tracked it and was pretty satisfied with the result, so I decided to finish it. And here we are!

  • Used Speedtree for the tree.
  • Made the other plants in Blender.
  • Did motion tracking and composition in Blender.
  • Added a bit of color correction in Adobe After Effects.
  • Modeled the boat and other objects in Blender and textured them in Adobe Substance 3D Painter.
  • The boat’s floating animation was created using a few noise modifiers on its location and rotation.
  • Used hook modifiers and cloth simulation in Blender to make the rope connecting the boat and the hanger move realistically, although it’s not that visible in the result :laughing:.
  • Rendered with Cycles in Blender.

Disconnected but Connected!


Interesting concept, brilliant execution! :star_struck: :+1: :blender_logo_64_png:

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Wow, you literally liked it the second I posted it. Thank you so much! :smiley:


Wonderful work, just to keep you informed i get this message “This video cannot be rendered because your browser does not support the codec.” on the first video had to try another browser

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interesting! maybe i should upload it on youtube than put its link here.
thank you so much

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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As a still image, it was great, but the video is something else. Great visualisation and execution.

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wow thank you Bart

it’s so kind of you, thank you

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you Bart!

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Awesome work bravo!

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It is both creative and beautiful :blossom: :frog:


it’s so good that i saw my best friend likes my works :heart_eyes:

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